Page 10 - EXPORT Magazine Issue #20

| Issue #20
EDA Office of Foreign Trade • Riverside County, California • USA
In February 2014, the Inland
Empire Economic Partnership
IEEP), the region’s largest
economic development
organization held their first “Red
Tape to Red Carpet” awards. The
recognition program was started
to highlight efforts of government
entities and individuals that make
it easier for businesses to navigate
complex regulatory waters.
Riverside County’s Economic
Development Agency’s Office of
Foreign Trade was cited the best
in the globalization category. The
agency implemented efforts to
educate local businesses to the
benefits of global trade through
exports and regional advantages
of Foreign Direct investment.
Then in April 2014, the County’s
Office of Foreign Trade garnered
Riverside County
EDA / Office of Foreign
Trade received Local and
Statewide recognition
winning two awards.
Riverside County Supervisor Marion Ashley accepts award from IEEP President
Paul Granillo as Office of Foreign Trade Team looks on..