Public Improvement

Public Improvement Program

One of the primary objectives of the Redevelopment Agency is to improve public infrastructure and construct public facilities to make communities a great place to live in.  Some of the types of facilities that can be completed with redevelopment funds include:

  • Parks
  • Fire Stations
  • Community Centers
  • Sheriff Stations
  • School Facilities
  • Senior Centers
  • Youth Centers
  • Water System Improvements
  • Sewer System Improvements
  • Flood Control and Storm Drain Facilities
  • Street Improvements such as sidewalks, curbs, gutters, street lights, landscaping, rod paving, bridges, and traffic signals

Redevelopment funds can also work with property owners to assist with the renovation of existing buildings and the elimination of blighting conditions.  Some of the programs currently offered to improve our project areas include:

  • The Facade Improvement Grant Program
  • The Demolition Grant Program
  • The Owner Participation Program

These programs provide opportunities for property owners to seek assistance from the Redevelopment Agency with the redevelopment of their property.

Over $165 million dollars in redevelopment funds have been reinvested into the project areas with the implementation of these types of projects and programs.  For more information on the activity in your community, please visit the Project Area or program of interest on the navigation menu at the left.

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