Valle Vista Home

The redevelopment sub-area in the community of Valle Vista consists of approximately 550 acres located east of the city of Hemet. The project area is generally located along Florida Avenue and includes development sites at varying depths both north and south Florida Avenue between Stanford Street and the San Jacinto River. Florida Avenue is also State Highway 74 and the primary east-west arterial through the city of Hemet to the west. The project area lies within the sphere of influence of the city of Hemet.

In general, the County and the city of Hemet agree that development opportunities along Florida Avenue include both commercial and residential development. In addition, there is demand for commercial development in the area because residential development in the surrounding area has continued at a strong pace.

Sub Area Maps

View the Detailed Project Sub-Area Map (Valle Vista) [PDF-1.35 MB]
View the Detailed Project Sub-Area Map (North Hemet) [PDF-1.93 MB]

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