EXPORT Magazine Issue #26 - page 14

Six questions for future
growth in the world market
1. Who are our present
customers? Who are
future customers?
(Remember to think
internationally). There are so
many untapped international
markets, you just need to find
them. So, start looking now.
2. How do we reach customers
today? How will we reach
them in the future?
(The Internet and social
network marketing is
changing the landscape of
marketing). Almost anyone
can use the internet today
so don’t hesitate… (Google
translate can help you with
those language issues)
3. Who are today’s
competitors? Who are the
competitors of the future?
(How lean is your supply
chain?) Have you evaluated
your supply chain lately?
Do you have too many
middlemen? Remember the
rest of the world is changing
a lot faster than we are.
4. What is our competitive
advantage today? What
will it be in the future?
(Do you have international
expertise?). One of our
greatest strengths in the U.S.
is our creativity so lets take
advantage of it. We cannot
live on yesterday’s successes.
5. How do we get margins
today? How will we get
them in the future?
(Are you building
institutional memory in your
organization?) Can we
learn from our mistakes?
6. What makes us unique
today? What will make
us unique in the future?
(Is your company adapting
the changing marketplace?)
Even if we are do our clients
and suppliers know it?
Is your company addressing
these questions? Although
the current world economic
crisis is affecting everyone,
you should make sure you are
looking for new markets, clients,
and competitive advantages
(such as your evaluating your
suppliers or finding new ones).
Use these six sets of questions
to prepare your company for
today and tomorrow….so
you stay competitive and take
advantage of new markets.
As the Chinese say, in every
crisis there is an opportunity.
Brad Holt
Six questions for future growth in
the world market
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