EXPORT Magazine Issue #26 - page 13

Wednesday, January 25th, 2017
UC Hotel Groundbreaking &
New Project Introduction
OFT attended the groundbreaking
of the UC Hotel in University Plaza
in Riverside. This is an EB-5 proj-
ect that has $2 million invested in
the land and will be a $60 million
hotel project when completed.
A crowd of about 40 Chinese
investors, City Council member
Melendrez, City Council member
Jeffrey Giba, Heidi Marshall Com-
missioner of Foreign Trade and
President and Vice President of
Prime Investments, the owners of
the EB-5 Regional Center, building
the hotel were in attendance. It
was also announced that the EB-5
group had just closed escrow on
another lot just across University
Boulevard where they plan an-
other four-story extended stay hotel
estimated at another $60 million
invested. This was not an official
groundbreaking but was good the-
atre for the investors of the projects
to come.
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