EXPORT Magazine Issue #26 - page 6

vendor contracts watertight when
a return takes place? Have you
mapped out how you are going
to handle returns? All of this
can be overwhelming but the
process has to be mapped out.
To get your SEO in order, have
you established your list of
keywords by city, state or country
possibly in different languages,
this will impact the way on page
and off page search engine
optimization (SEO) is conducted.
It will also have serious impact
on online advertising through
Google or social media platforms
such as Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and any local networks
that are deemed popular.
Creating your communication
calendar for social media,
blogging, blogger outreach and
vlogging is also necessary.
So you are anxious now and not
sure if you can do this, the truth
is you can but if you don’t have
the skills to do it all, get the right
people on your team to help
you. Don’t expect miracles if you
don’t engage with the right talent,
meaning a team that can apply
your business into the world of
eCommerce, where technical
meets commercial requirements.
There has to be a handshake.
Your number one key performance
indicator will have to be sales. If
you are not selling something is
terribly wrong. However before
you get to that point of selling,
you must review conversions on
your pages, what is the traffic like,
how many people are looking at
your website and how many tried
to check out or buy but failed. Did
anyone try to ring your free-phone
number or get questions answered
on your live chat feature? If there
is traffic and zero sales, you need
to understand if there is a problem
at check out, perhaps your
payment gateway is problematic.
Troubleshooting at this level
requires patience and the ability
to connect with buyer psychology.
For more on eCommerce, winning
websites, SEO and creating
revenue using your website,
check in with me @hemadey
on Twitter or simply email me at
Article by
Hema Dey
CEO, CMO and International
Iffel International Inc.
Los Angeles, CA
Hema Dey moderated and presented at the 2017 College of Foreign Trade on
“E-Commerce.” Referenced next page.
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