EXPORT Magazine Issue #26 - page 7

This year’s first installment of the
College of Foreign Trade focused
on “e-commerce” illustrating the
growth of the industry and how
it can facilitate foreign trade and
provide opportunities to grow
market share for local businesses.
5th District Chief of Staff Jaime
Hurtado welcomed the over
100 businesses the morning
of the event. With e-commerce
experts provided by OFT’s many
partners like the SBA, The Dept.
of Commerce, The LA Ports,
The LA Chamber and others
the audience was treated to an
in depth review of the industry
sector. Several local companies
that are doing business over the
internet successfully, spoke and
gave testimony to the opportunities
this form of marketing provided.
2017 College of Foreign Trade
Riverside County Board of Supervisors Member Marion Ashley’s Chief of Staff Jaime Hurtado gave the morning welcome.
came from all
over southern
A high profile panel
of e-commerce
experts and company
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
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