EXPORT Magazine Issue #26 - page 12

The Office of Foreign Trade
attended a Meet and Greet
which featured Fred Hoch-
berg, President of EX IM
Bank. This was hosted by a
manufacturer, Combustion
Associates Inc., in Corona.
The event was an oppor-
tunity for Riverside County
export manufacturers to hear
about the programs and
financial opportunities avail-
able through EX-IM Bank.
Attendance featured over
30 manufacturers through-
out Riverside County.
The Export-Import Bank of
the United States (EXIM)
is the official export credit
agency of the United States.
EXIM is an independent,
self-sustaining Executive
Branch agency with a mis-
sion of supporting Ameri-
can jobs by facilitating the
export of U.S. goods and
When private sector lend-
ers are unable or unwilling
to provide financing, EXIM
fills in the gap for American
businesses by equipping
them with the financing tools
necessary to compete for
global sales. In doing so,
the Bank levels the playing
field for U.S. goods and
services going up against
foreign competition in
overseas markets, so that
American companies can
create more good-paying
American jobs.
Because it is backed by
the full faith and credit of
the United States, EXIM
assumes credit and country
risks that the private sector
is unable or unwilling to
accept. The Bank’s charter
requires that all transactions
it authorizes demonstrate
a reasonable assurance of
repayment; the Bank con-
sistently maintains a low
default rate, and closely
monitors credit and other
risks in its portfolio.
The Office of Foreign Trade attended
a Meet and Greet which featured Fred
Hochberg, President of EX IM Bank
Fred Hochberg listens to manufacturers.
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